Changing Perspectives on Drug Misuse in The LGBTQ+ Community

Talking about the misuse of drugs in the LGBTQ+ community requires that we take into account its unique set of challenges. As a vibrant and diverse community, we each come with our own sets of national, ethnic, racial and economic circumstances that affect the way we live our everyday lives.

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Plan B

For years my mother has used the expression “Life is full of challenges, and if ‘Plan A’ doesn’t work out, then you have to go to ‘Plan B’.” And so onto Plan B we go!

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Round the World 2018

It has taken many months of exploring options, but we have now finalized the details of the around-the-world trip beginning in May.

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Why a Nonprofit?

On January 15 Living Without Disguises officially became a nonprofit organization. It is a pivotal step in the future of the project, and one I know will allow me to accomplish many of the objectives I have set out over the last several months.

Some have asked: ‘Why become a nonprofit?’  Well, that isn’t an easy answer!

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In the spring of 2016, I had been working for CTV Vancouver Island in the newsroom for a few years. When you are exposed to tragic or depressing news stories daily – mass shootings, bombings, racism, hate crimes against gays and other minority groups – you can, unfortunately, become oversaturated, maybe even a little numb.

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